Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Training and Economic Strengthening Training
Introduction: The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Training and Economic Strengthening Training program was implemented in Tesfa Hiwot in collaboration Feminist Opportunities Now project supported by France Development Agency with the aim of empowering women, particularly PLHIV women and women with disabilities, to address issues of violence and poverty. The training program was designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent GBV, enhance economic opportunities, and promote social integration.
GBV Training: The GBV training component focused on raising awareness about the different forms of violence that women may experience, including domestic violence, sexual violence, and gender-based discrimination. Participants engaged in interactive workshops, discussions, and role-playing exercises to understand the root causes of GBV and explore strategies for prevention and intervention. The training also covered the importance of seeking help, accessing support services, and advocating for women's rights within their communities.
Economic Strengthening Training: The Economic Strengthening Training component aimed to equip plhiv women members of Tesfa Hiwot with the necessary skills to improve their economic status and financial independence in collaboration with Adeday saving and credit microfinance institution which provides saving and credit and job opportunities for our members to start their own small businesses. Participants received training on entrepreneurship, budgeting, savings, and income-generating activities. They also had the opportunity to develop business plans, receive mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs, and access microfinance resources to start or expand their businesses. The training emphasized the importance of economic empowerment in promoting women's autonomy and reducing their vulnerability to poverty and exploitation.
Outcome: The GBV Training and Economic Strengthening Training program was successful in achieving its objectives. Participants reported an increased awareness of GBV issues and a greater willingness to speak out against violence. They also demonstrated improved financial literacy, business management skills, and confidence in pursuing economic opportunities. Several women started their own businesses, joined savings groups, or accessed microloans to support their livelihoods. The program also contributed to the strengthening of social networks and support systems among women in the community.
Challenges and Recommendations: Some of the challenges faced during the implementation of the program included limited access to resources, transportation challenges, interest of beneficiaries to receive the seed money in individual rather than group, and the economic and market variation in the region. But regardless of this challenges Tesfa Hiwot was able to manage all these challenges in collaborations with different stakeholders, volunteer workers and the staff.
Moving forward, we will continue to provide follow-up support and mentorship to program participants, expand partnerships with local organizations and government agencies, and advocate for policy changes that support women's empowerment and protection against GBV.
Conclusion: The GBV Training and Economic Strengthening Training program played a vital role in empowering women in the Tigray region to address issues of violence and poverty. By combining education, skills training, and community engagement, the program created a more supportive and inclusive environment for women to thrive and build a better future for themselves and their families.
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