Capacity Building

Tesfa Hiwot provides different capacity building programs and trainings to staff, volunteers, members and other CSOs and stakeholders in different areas like HIV care and treatment. SRHR, Psychological and social support, peer to peer discussions

Capacity Building Methods

By conduct training programs on various topics such as leadership development, communication skills, advocacy, and project management tailored to the needs of PLHIV women

Facilitate workshops and seminars to enhance the skills and knowledge of participants on issues related to HIV, gender equality, and human rights

Organize mentorship programs where experienced individuals can provide guidance and support to PLHIV women in their personal and professional development

Provide access to resources such as online courses, educational materials, and networking opportunities to enhance capacity building.

Tesfa Hiwot strongly believes on collaboration and networking with different donors, stakeholders and partners to reduce the spread of HIV and help PLHIV to live better lives and support their families

We initiate IGA and economic empowerment activities to help families of PLHIV women and sustain the all-rounded wellbeing of our members.